Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Monday, December 17, 2018

*NEWS*: AU Commissions Study On Youth’s Contribution To Peace And Security In Africa

The African Union (AU) African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) has commissioned a continent-wide study to ascertain the contribution of youth in security and peace-building in Africa.

To this end, the Peace and Security Department (PSD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) on December 12-14, 2018,  in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, convened a methodological workshop for the conduct of the AU-PSC's mandated 'study on the role and contributions of youth to peace and security in Africa'.

The Head Of Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Division, Amb. Fred Ngoga, in a statement made available after the workshop on Friday, noted that the mandated study was an outcome of the PSC dedication of its 807th meeting on November 8, 2018, to an open session "Youth, Peace and Security" in commemoration of the Africa Youth Day.

Ngoga said the forum provided an opportunity for youth groups to update the Council on their contributions to peace and security.

"In commending African youth for their contributions to peace and security, the PSC however noted the limited documentation and publicity of their roles and contributions. In this context, the PSC requested the AUC to conduct a study on the role of youth in promoting peace and security in Africa and to submit the findings of the study to Council for consideration and action as may be appropriate," he said.

While welcoming participants to the forum, Ngoga underscored the imperatives of creating safe spaces for youth to engage in peace processes for the sustainable prevention management and resolution of conflicts. To achieve this, he envisaged peace processes where AU delegations are accompanied by women via Femwise, the network of African female mediators as well as the youth, and indicated that the youth for peace program would equally be catered for via the AU Peace Fund.

In the same vein, the Early Warning Officer, Peace & Security Department, AUC,  Ms. Mfrekeobong Ukpanah, said that the PSC session was advocated by the PSD to give impetus to the Youth for Peace Africa Programme,  which was launched in Lagos, Nigeria in September 2018.

According to Ukpana, the aim was to effectively engage, involve and collaborate with the young women and men as well as organized youth groups in the promotion of peace and security.

She stated that this is in accordance with the implementation of the Article 17 of the Africa Youth Charter that was adopted by the Assembly of the African Union in Banjul, The Gambia in July 2006; the 665th Communiqué of the PSC of March 2017, which encouraged the involvement of youth in conflict prevention and mediation efforts; and, the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250 and 2419 respectively.

Against this backdrop, Ukpana said the methodological workshop brought together representatives of youth organizations, researchers practitioners across the continent as well as officers from concerned departments of the AUC, with an aim to propose an appropriate approach for the conduct of the continental study.

Also,  the Analyst with the Continental Early Warning System, AUC, Dr. Rhuks Ako,  stated that workshop recommended that national and regional level consultations should be conducted with youth organizations, target beneficiaries as well as representatives of government and inter-governmental organizations to unravel the impact of youth interventions.

"It further proposed that the study should include key thematic covered by the PSC as well as emerging issues on peace and security," she added.


Source: https://globalsentinelng.com/2018/12/14/au-commissions-study-on-youths-contribution-to-peace-and-security-in-africa/

**AFRICA E-commerce Week**: Statement from Civil Society Organizations working on eCommerce for Development, on the Africa eCommerce Week and Outcomes

Statement from Civil Society Organizations working on eCommerce for Development, on the Africa eCommerce Week and Outcomes

December 14, 2018

Electronic commerce, and digital trade and technology more generally, can stimulate development, generate jobs and help build sustainable livelihoods. However just like previous changes in technology and trading patterns, for developing countries to benefit, they need the right policies and institutional support, both domestically and internationally. This conference has well highlighted the opportunities of e-commerce for African entrepreneurs, but the primary challenge is to harness digital industrialization for structural transformation of the continent.

Nearly all digital trade is currently dominated by a few global players from the United States and China through platforms that are not simply disrupting and re-organizing economic activity but leading to digital domination. In order to trade, we have to produce. If we expand digital trade without first improving our productive capacities, as well as closing the digital divide through improvements in our physical infrastructure as well as interconnectivity, we will be simply opening our economies even further to imports from outside the region. Thus, further liberalization in the digital sphere, without the necessary domestic investments to improve productive capacities, will destroy jobs, decimate micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), and distort development.

These threats from premature digital liberalization to our economic sovereignty and future development prospects will be greatly amplified if the rapidly evolving digital economic space is governed by rules that were developed by transnational corporations (TNCs) for their own profit-making around the world, as they are proposing in the World Trade Organization (WTO) discussions on e-commerce. There should be no negotiations on e-commerce in the WTO. As the African Group said in the WTO, they "will not support any ideas for negotiating rules, or move in a direction on developing rules on e-commerce. We believe it is entirely premature."

Instead of digital liberalization leading to further digital colonialism, what we need for the structural transformation of the region in line with Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want vision is a jobs- and development- focused digital industrialization strategy.

Digital industrialization indicates the need for policies to prevent big international corporations controlling our data and to use our data in the public interest; to develop and support domestic digital businesses and platforms; to strategically promote domestic MSMEs including through technology transfer; to promote inclusion in the digital economy through full employment policies; to ensure proper taxation and investments to close the digital divide; to advance consumer welfare and privacy through data protection; to ensure public interest regulation of the digital economy and break up platform monopolies; and other pro-development strategies. Much of this can be accomplished through domestic policies that should be developed with appropriate stakeholder input, as well as through regional integration; but policy makers require sufficient policy space to do so; restricting that space is the clear aim of plurilateral efforts currently under discussion in the WTO.

The role of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) should not just be technical assistance, and should not follow the same ideology as the World Bank, WTO, World Economic Forum (WEF), and other neoliberal institutions dominated by developed countries. It should not be driven by the donor agenda and funding, as we see here, where the European agenda is being given undue prominence over the African Union. We believe the African Union should be given space to drive the digitalisation agenda for Africa, for the African digital industrialisation development objectives and this must be consistent with the positions taken by the African Group in the WTO. The role of development partners should be supportive rather than be seen as driving the agenda. Given the persistent poverty and lack of convergence after decades of liberalization, and the increasing power of digital platforms over our economies, we believe that UNCTAD should focus on digital industrialization and structural transformation of our economies, rather than merely facilitating online shopping and platform presence in Africa. We note with dismay a paucity of African government and African civil society representatives on the panels.

UNCTAD must reclaim its historic role in policymaking that is centered around an integrated approach to development strategy and focused on industrialization policies. We commend UNCTAD for this year's Trade and Development Report (TDR), which focused on "Power, Platforms and the Free Trade Delusion." But this is not sufficient given the vast army of "sales representatives" marshalled by advanced countries to persuade and cajole developing countries into adopting measures that they are not ready for and that many, on their own admission, do not yet fully understand.

It is unfortunate, to put it mildly, that despite repeated requests by African member states, the findings from this original piece of in-house evidence-based research by UNCTAD has been noticeable by its absence from this gathering and, as a result, key political economy issues raised by the challenges of digital industrialization have received insufficient attention.

Sustainable development depends on the free flow of information, and we want freedom of expression. But this is different than cross border data transfers of our most valuable natural resource to foreign corporations. Just as in previous centuries, when we lost control of our capacity to properly exploit the wealth creating potential of commodities, we are in danger of repeating those same mistakes in the 21st century with our data. At this point, we don't properly value our data, so governments are too easily allowing it to be transferred outside the country. We need to harness the value of our data for domestic entrepreneurs, but also for community economic development in the public interest. African countries must maintain the policy space to evaluate when policies of maintaining data locally or regionally would be in the national or community interest.

The doctrine of free global flow of data is dubious, when data is also considered the key resource of a digital economy. Data must be owned by "that whom the data is about" whether an individual or a community. Data ownership frameworks should be developed urgently on this principle and employed by developing countries to promote domestic digital industry. Also, new digital businesses that work on data and business intelligence derived from it, must be owned domestically, because it is after all 'our data' that underpins such business.

UNCTAD has highlighted that all countries which successfully industrialised used infant industry protections, so since Africa needs to industrialise, we will also need to be able to use tariffs strategically, along with other protections for nascent industries. We need to maintain and use the policy space to promote our MSMEs, which represent the majority of employment in our countries, including through active policies of technology transfer. The international system of rules governing patents and copyrights have proven to facilitate tax avoidance and resulted in a huge transfer of wealth from the global South to TNCs in the North. We need systems of innovation and MSME promotion without further entrenching anti-development systems of intellectual property protectionism that least developed countries (and non-WTO Members) in Africa are not required to implement.

Inclusive digital industrialization for development must also focus on decent job and livelihood creation and social and economic rights in the digital sphere. The most important strategy for inclusive growth from digital industrialization is a commitment to job creation towards full employment, focused on equity strategies, including strong labor rights for all workers, gender equality, and portable social protections including for platform workers.

An egregious example of the prominence of the EU was agenda was the EU labelling high taxes and import duties as trade barriers. We oppose this as African countries should not be told by Europe that European companies should not have to pay taxes when they operate in African countries, when African companies would obviously have to contribute to the national tax base. Digital players are taking advantage of the mobility and intangibility of digital goods and services to avoid tax and create an uneven playing field that is hurting competitors who are running traditional businesses and complying with traditional tax models. Tax planning by digital TNCs that artificially reduces taxable income or shift profits to low-tax jurisdictions in which little or no economic activity is performed should be tackled as part of a pro-development strategy and must not be exacerbated by digital trade rules proposed at the WTO and ignored in discussions on digital trade in Africa.

Appropriate taxation is essential to build the fiscal base in African countries that we need for investments in development-focused infrastructure, including the digital infrastructure, and good quality and accessible public services. This is all the more important given that the build-up of debt (both public and corporate) in recent years is once again raising concerns about its sustainability with a number of countries in the region already facing serious levels of distress or worse.

Our current infrastructure is built to facilitate extracting commodity resources from Africa through ports, rails and road; this must be altered to focus on domestic market development and regional integration through the four pillars of transport, water, energy, and the information communications and telecommunication (ICT) infrastructure necessary to close the digital divide. The trade facilitation drive in Africa, largely funded by donors have focused more on facilitating imports rather than addressing the much-needed supply side constraints. We are concerned that the recent drive to support digitalisation in Africa by developed countries are following a similar trend, which will ultimately push Africa deeper into consumers of what we do not produce. This will have far reaching consequences on employment, revenue and digital innovations in Africa which is ultimately needed for structural transformation. African countries will not be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) without expanding fiscal supports to achieve quality accessible public services in education, health, access to water, electricity, and more.

We also need strong policies for consumer protection, including around matters of privacy and data protection. Africans are entrepreneurs, but we are also citizens with rights to privacy and consumers with rights to have our data protected and not abused by giant TNCs for private profit, or by governments against our human rights in the digital space.

Special policies are urgently required to protect the small actors, traders, farmers, small service providers, etcetera that are threatened by new globally organized digital models. This requires steps to decentralise digital economy structures and power, as well as specific policy measures to support small actors in their extremely uneven relationships with digital majors, quite like the labour laws of industrial era. Additionally, a good share of the newly created digital value must be utilised for ameliorative and redistributive measures, like social protection and public services.

Africa must develop its own agenda for digital industrialization. We must not copy the "ecommerce trade rules" that were developed by TNCs like Amazon and Google, for their interests to open our markets, control our data, handcuff our regulators, and constrain the role of the state in fomenting jobs and industrialization policies. If e-commerce disciplines in the WTO were good for development in Africa, there would not be the arm-twisting of African states to join the e-commerce negotiations that we are seeing in the WTO. Neither would proponent Members and the WTO Secretariat advocate for African countries to join the e-commerce negotiations. The international nature of international organisations is thus questionable. We believe that as the Africa Group remain firm in their position on eCommerce proposals at the WTO, national governments need to put in place a development oriented digital industrialisation policies and agendas in place. This would support the realisation of the AU agenda 2063.

Given the dearth of Geneva-based African trade negotiators at this Africa ecommerce week, any talk of an outcome document from this week's activities containing recommendations is highly inappropriate and any summary document of what transpired here should not be used to undermine the African Group position against e-commerce rules in the WTO[i]. Any recommendations arising from Africa eCommerce Week would not be the product of discussions or consensus. Aid for Trade must not be linked to African governments joining negotiations on the new issues at the WTO. The African Group in the WTO's focus, which parallels that of civil society, is on agricultural reform and removing high levels of domestic support given to farmers by developed countries; removing cotton subsidies in the U.S. and EU that harm African cotton farmers; public food stockholding; the Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) to safeguard domestic farmers; special and differential treatment; and increasing flexibilities for industrial development, rather than undermining regional integration.

We look forward to working with UNCTAD, governments, the private sector, and more civil society actors on future engagements that focus more on Africa's urgent development needs.

Endorsements as of December 14, 2018

International Trade Union Confederation Africa (ITUC Africa), which includes 16 million members

East Africa Trade Union Confederation (EATUC), which includes 3.5 million members

Third World Network-Africa (TWN-Africa)

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)-Uganda

National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) which employs 57 million people in 37 million MSMES

Nigeria Private Sector Alliance (NiPSA)

African Center for Trade and Development (ACTADE), Uganda

[i] Eg see WT/MIN(17)/11 and JOB/GC/144 at https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/FE_Search/FE_S_S001.aspx

NEWS: How GenCED is Changing the Workplace Justice Conversation

By E.K.Bensah Jr

The Gender Centre for Empowering Development(GenCED) is on a mission to change the conversation around the workplace  by promoting women's access to justice.

In a speech copied to Ecowas Business News during a consultation in November, Executive Director of Gender Centre for Empowering Development (GenCED), Esther Tawiah, explained that, even though Ghana has ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), inequality and harassment at the workplace continues to persist.

It is a well-known fact that, the 1992 constitution ensures the protection of the fundamental human rights of all persons and specifically outlines equality and freedom from discrimination. The Labour Act of 2003 (Act 651), sections 55-57, provide maternity protection before and after birth for women, yet there remain records of women in both public and private sectors signing illegal documents that deter them from procreation for the first 2 to 3 years of their employment.

It will be recalled how the recent case of the dismissed three fire service personnel for giving birth in the first three years of their employ is a case in point, and remind ourselves of how it assumed national prominence earlier in the year for the manner in which the women were treated.

The biggest take-away from that case was the compelling reminder, and cautionary tale of how Ghana still has a long way to go in achieving gender equality, particularly at the workplace.

To this end, a national Dialogue was convened on 14 December to help address these issues more concretely. The objective of the Forum was to solicit views from the public, including experiences, to help inform a more coherent conversation around workplace injustice.

At the Forum-proper, Commissioner for Commission for Human Rights & Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Whittal, highlighted aspects of the Labour law, explaining how the International Labour Organisation(ILO) remains a strong defenders of workplace rights for women. He further lamented how many workers are clueless about these rights, and called for more people to build their knowledge on worker's rights as there is a recognition of historical gender inequality at the world of work.

He bemoaned how many women have limited knowledge of workplace rights, and therefore are unable to enforce it. He, therefore, called on police service; prison service and rest of force workers to immediately call for a review of their laws.

Mrs.Alberta Laryea Gyan of TUC recommended women report abortions to the TUC and Labour Commissions. She wondered whether organisations had forgotten that if a woman decided not to give birth, a nation would be non-existent, so why were such illegalities of sacking pregnant women prevalent.

For Esther Tawiah's part, she explained the work does not stop with a single Dialogue, but a hotline would soon be announced.


Wednesday, November 28, 2018

NEWS: ECOWAS concerned about Low Quality Products exported to EU

The Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) says confidence in products exported from the region to the European market is very low.

Between June 2016 and October 2018, a total of 24 notifications were issued on products exported from the ECOWAS region in two years.

According to the organization, it received the notifications from international bodies including the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), questioning the level of quality of the products which included agricultural products such as cocoa beans, chemical products such as body creams, building and construction materials such as cements and iron rods as well as paints.

At an ongoing seminar in Abidjan on a new policy to ensure high quality of products, Chief Technical Advisor of the West Africa Quality System Program, Aka Jean Joseph Kouassi said the trend is impeding trade growth in the region.

"We want to export, if we want to export to abroad for example, they want to be sure that your products have the level of quality in their market. And they will say that products coming from Africa are of poor quality, they don't have confidence in our products," he bemoaned.

To this end, the organization has established a regional quality policy to facilitate trade within the region.

Plans to establish the policy, the West Africa Quality System Programme (WAQSP), began in 2015 when the organization received several reports of substandard goods from the region. Mr. Kouassi says the move is also to protect consumers.

He said "so we have to build this system to prove to them that we have the same quality as products there. We also have to protect consumers and so we will ensure this system is implemented in our countries so that our continent will not be considered as where you can come and throw waste products here."

The overall objective of the West Africa Quality System Programme policy is for the countries to be cognizance of quality in national development.

It is also to enable consumers identify what products are substandard and also demand for quality when purchasing the products.

Source: https://www.primenewsghana.com/business/ecowas-laments-low-quality-products-exported-to-eu.html

Sunday, October 14, 2018

#CommonCurrency: #West #African countries from West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) to Collaborate to Interlink Payment System

October 14, 2018
To make trading between African countries easier, West African countries have joined forces to interlink their payment system.

The Director-General, West African Monetary Institute, Mrs. Ngozi Egbuna, made this known on Sunday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on the sideline of the IMF/WB Annual Meetings in Bali.

She revealed that with funding from the African Export-Import Bank, the Institute was currently working to link the payment system of Gambia, Guinea, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria.

She said that once the linkage was done, West African States would be closer to achieving their dream of migrating to a single currency, known as the ECO.

Egbuna said that the linkage was the second phase of the Institute's payment systems infrastructure project in the region.

She recalled that between 2012 and 2016, the African Development Bank funded the creation of payment systems in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and Gambia, who at the time, did not have.

"The West Africa Monitoring Zone which is made out of six countries; The Gambia, Guinea, Ghana, Liberima, Nigeria and Sierra Leone will be used to pilot the Payment Systems Infrastructure.

"Interlinking our payment systems will make it possible for us to quote and trade in our local currencies.

"So if you have Naira and you want to buy in Guinea or any of these countries you can buy and settle in Naira.

"We are working in conjunction with the Central Banks as co-settlement and payment institutions, not that Central Banks will bring their money, but they will only oversee the trading platforms," she said.

Egbuna said that the success of the West African linked payment system would also convince countries that were still cautions of the single currency plan, of its importance in boosting intra-trade.

The Director-General gave reasons why for so many years, West Africa was still unable to have a convergence of its Monetary indices, which is a core criteria for the establishment of a single currency in the region.

"Since the convergence criteria was set up, each of our countries sometimes meet or miss some, but we have not been able to meet them consistently on a sustainable basis.

"But before the global financial crisis, we met them and then the crisis came and the second round effect of it which is the fall in commodity prices hit all of us.

"As we were about to get settled, the Ebola hit almost all the countries except for Ghana and for about three years the world was shut out of all our countries.

"Nothing was moving and there was no economic activity. As if that wasn't enough, in August 2017 we had the flooding in Sierra Leone.

"So you see a series of shocks have made it impossible to meet those criteria."

On the fiscal side, she said that the habit of over spending during election was having negative impact on the West African states.

"On the fiscal side, we have not been able to meet it on a sustainable basis.

"This is mainly because most of our countries over-spend when on election.

"We just had an election in Sierra Leone and Liberia and the Nigerian election is on the way."

NAN reports that WAMI is an institution of the West African monetary zone set up to ensure the economic and financial integration of the zone.

NAN recalls that West Africa currently have the goal of creating a common currency for the region by year 2020.

For the currency to be implemented, 10 convergence criteria was set out by WAMI must be met.

The four primary criteria to be achieved by each member country include single-digit inflation rate at the end of each year and fiscal deficit of not more than three per cent of the GDP.

Also a central bank deficit-financing of not more than 10 per cent of the previous year's tax revenues and gross external reserves that could cover a country's import bill for a minimum of three months were proposed.

There are also six secondary criteria which had to be achieved by each member country.

They include the prohibition of new domestic default payments and liquidation of existing ones, tax revenue should be equal to or greater than 20 per cent of the GDP.

Also, wage bill to tax revenue should be equal to or less than 35 per cent, public investment to tax revenue equal to or greater than 20 per cent and a stable real exchange rate as well as a positive real interest rate.

Source: https://punchng.com/west-african-countries-collaborate-to-interlink-payment-system/

#CommonCurrency: West African countries from West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) to collaborate to Interlink Payment System

October 14, 2018
To make trading between African countries easier, West African countries have joined forces to interlink their payment system.

The Director-General, West African Monetary Institute, Mrs. Ngozi Egbuna, made this known on Sunday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on the sideline of the IMF/WB Annual Meetings in Bali.

She revealed that with funding from the African Export-Import Bank, the Institute was currently working to link the payment system of Gambia, Guinea, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria.

She said that once the linkage was done, West African States would be closer to achieving their dream of migrating to a single currency, known as the ECO.

Egbuna said that the linkage was the second phase of the Institute's payment systems infrastructure project in the region.

She recalled that between 2012 and 2016, the African Development Bank funded the creation of payment systems in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and Gambia, who at the time, did not have.

"The West Africa Monitoring Zone which is made out of six countries; The Gambia, Guinea, Ghana, Liberima, Nigeria and Sierra Leone will be used to pilot the Payment Systems Infrastructure.

"Interlinking our payment systems will make it possible for us to quote and trade in our local currencies.

"So if you have Naira and you want to buy in Guinea or any of these countries you can buy and settle in Naira.

"We are working in conjunction with the Central Banks as co-settlement and payment institutions, not that Central Banks will bring their money, but they will only oversee the trading platforms," she said.

Egbuna said that the success of the West African linked payment system would also convince countries that were still cautions of the single currency plan, of its importance in boosting intra-trade.

The Director-General gave reasons why for so many years, West Africa was still unable to have a convergence of its Monetary indices, which is a core criteria for the establishment of a single currency in the region.

"Since the convergence criteria was set up, each of our countries sometimes meet or miss some, but we have not been able to meet them consistently on a sustainable basis.

"But before the global financial crisis, we met them and then the crisis came and the second round effect of it which is the fall in commodity prices hit all of us.

"As we were about to get settled, the Ebola hit almost all the countries except for Ghana and for about three years the world was shut out of all our countries.

"Nothing was moving and there was no economic activity. As if that wasn't enough, in August 2017 we had the flooding in Sierra Leone.

"So you see a series of shocks have made it impossible to meet those criteria."

On the fiscal side, she said that the habit of over spending during election was having negative impact on the West African states.

"On the fiscal side, we have not been able to meet it on a sustainable basis.

"This is mainly because most of our countries over-spend when on election.

"We just had an election in Sierra Leone and Liberia and the Nigerian election is on the way."

NAN reports that WAMI is an institution of the West African monetary zone set up to ensure the economic and financial integration of the zone.

NAN recalls that West Africa currently have the goal of creating a common currency for the region by year 2020.

For the currency to be implemented, 10 convergence criteria was set out by WAMI must be met.

The four primary criteria to be achieved by each member country include single-digit inflation rate at the end of each year and fiscal deficit of not more than three per cent of the GDP.

Also a central bank deficit-financing of not more than 10 per cent of the previous year's tax revenues and gross external reserves that could cover a country's import bill for a minimum of three months were proposed.

There are also six secondary criteria which had to be achieved by each member country.

They include the prohibition of new domestic default payments and liquidation of existing ones, tax revenue should be equal to or greater than 20 per cent of the GDP.

Also, wage bill to tax revenue should be equal to or less than 35 per cent, public investment to tax revenue equal to or greater than 20 per cent and a stable real exchange rate as well as a positive real interest rate.

Source: https://punchng.com/west-african-countries-collaborate-to-interlink-payment-system/