Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Monday, June 10, 2019


Demystify. Unpack. Explain



*ACCRA, Ghana (10 June, 2019)* -- In a year (and month) in which we celebrate five years of "Africa in Focus", the only Pan-African initiative of its kind in Ghana, and probably the sub-region, we are happy to also be celebrating *East Africa*, which is a region that lends itself to significant comparisons and important scrutiny.

That the only continental institution of its kind in the world, the African Union, has its headquarters in East Africa, may already be sufficient for study. But there is more. East Africa is home to:

  • A sophisticated and efficient *mobile money architecture* (cross-border transactions are becoming the new normal, where in West Africa, we have not quite gotten there!)

  • A *regional legislature*, which laws are binding on six members of the East African Community (EAC)

  • A *Northern Corridor Initiative* that is helping fast-track integration on sectors across specific East African countries

  • An AU peace enforcement force in *AMISOM* that is underwritten by the UN Security Council, and combines an offensive mandate (ability to kill terrorists) alongside its multi-dimensional capabilities of training

  • A *budget day* for the whole region (14 June), which can help align *regional priorities and expenditure* in ways in which does not happen in West Africa.

How Kenya's 2018 Elections offered Mental pabulum on East Africa's integration

In the wake of Kenya's elections in 2018,  the venerable Stephen Yeboah, an international development professional, wondered why Ecowas appears to be lagging behind regional blocs like the East African Community. For the benefit of discussion, I am reprising my answer below:

"I could write a whole thesis on this...it's mostly on economic integration that Ecowas is lagging behind EAC. In most sectors, Ecowas has trumped EAC. Studies that claim EAC has done better mostly filter the analysis through economic integration.

Let's quickly look at EAC on peace and security. Let's consider how long Nkurunzinzi has been in power in Burundi. An absence of an EAC peace & security architecture has meant none of the six member States of the EAC(South Sudan joined Feb 2016) are able to deal with him. Look at how Ecowas dealt with Jammeh.

On free movement, EAC is a little more advanced in how mere ID cards can be used to travel within the sub-region. Ecowas, conversely, is still struggling to get all member States, including Ghana, to toe the Ecowas Biometric ID Card. Senegal is most advanced and is in distribution phase, even if with challenges.

On the language, I am beginning to believe it's a myth. Apart from Ecomog in Liberia in 1990, there have been instances of anglophone-francophone cooperation in Ecowas. An Ecowas Rail Masterplan, plus the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor are examples of how francophone and anglophone West Africa can work together towards a goal.

In the early days of Ecowas, it was actually Nigeria-Togo collaboration that triggered what we know as Ecowas today. Two decades ago, francophone West Africa feared Nigeria, hence initial reluctance to work together. These days, the fear is far less, and more welcoming of Nigeria's pivotal role in West Africa's integration.

On money, EAC still relies on donor funds from the EU & Western partners. Yet, since Ecowas' treaty was revised in 1993, article 70 has meant that Ecowas raises financing through an Ecowas levy -- a model Kagame picked on for AU's financing of Member States. At one point, Ecowas had a surplus of 252 million USD in its coffers -- thanks to the levy. This is something I wrote about in 2011.

Another thing I wanted to point out was how EAC in its current form follows the 1967 model that collapsed in 1977. In many ways, some of the institutions were carried on to the "EAC -- mach 2", which was revived in 2000.

Simply put, East Africa has had a second shot with the EAC and learnt from some mistakes. Conversely, Ecowas has been on course since 1975 without collapsing and starting over. In many ways, ECOMOG in Liberia was a major catalyst for the growth of Ecowas. In addition, in 2013, the Northern Corridor Integration Project (linking Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and South Sudan) was born to fast-track EAC's integration. The objective of fast-tracking is an important nuance general observers of East Africa's integration may miss…"


EAR is an initiative of the Africa in Focus (AIF) Research and Communications Unit (ReComm) that seeks to integrate East African perspectives, and best practices in conversations around West, and Southern African integration.

Using whatsapp largely as the flagship communicating tool, it serves as a catalyst for conversations on the African narrative. The group has expanded from merely East African countries in 2014 and 2015 to include strategic countries from the SADC region. In 2018 and 2019, EAR has enjoyed membership from SADC/COMESA countries, as well as those from Gambia and Liberia (in the West African Monetary Zone countries).

EAR is now in its *fourth iteration* (East Africa Rising 4.0) since it started in 2014. It now includes strategic SADC countries ( *Zambia; Zimbabwe; Botswana & Namibia*), all of which play critical roles in the Southern African region. The game-changer to transforming EAR 3.0 to EAR 4.0 was South Africa. Although membership includes diasporans living in South Africa, the inclusion of a consummate South African journalist/producer brings representation of the three hegemons of Kenya; Nigeria; and South Africa into this most unique of Pan-Africanist groups that has already spilled over from the virtual to offline, and will continue to do so as it moves to East Africa Rising 5.0 over the next couple of years.





Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | ecowasbusinessnews.blogspot.com | +233.268.687.653 /+*

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Demystify. Unpack. Explain





Africa's Continental Free Trade Area

ACCRA, Ghana (6 June, 2019) -- Ahead of the official launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) at the AU Summit in Niger, in July 2019, Africa in Focus/Ecowas Business News has been involved in outreach with strategic stakeholders on AfCFTA.

To this end, AIF's Head of Research & Communications, E K Bensah JR, has participated in an interview for Johannesbourg-based "Kaya FM" tonight. A pre-recording of an interview conducted earlier this week, it airs tonight to help explain the following questions around AfCFTA:

  • What is the concept behind AfCFTA? What is it trying to resolve?

  • Will regional blocs disappear with onset of AfCFTA?

  • We often hear ECOWAS is one of the more advanced regional blocs. What are key developments?

  • Nigeria has not opted into AfCFTA. Can it still proceed?

  • What is difference between signing and ratification?

  • What are benefits of AfCFTA for ordinary people?

  • What about freedom of movement -- will it be only for businessmen?

  • What is roll-out plan for AfCFTA?



The Show is called "Karibu", and hosted by Mike Siluma. Show is produced by Duudu Ramela.

Mike Siluma is a seasoned journalist and media professional. He has been in the media space for over 20 years, having worked in print, radio and television. His passion is to enhance dialogue among Africans to promote Pan-Africanism. In line with his forebears, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah and Kenneth Kaunda amongst others.





Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | ecowasbusinessnews.blogspot.com

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

#SaveTheDate: selected upcoming events in the ECOWAS/AU agenda

Demystify. Unpack. Explain


  1. An interview about #AfCFTA on Johannesburg-based radio station *Kaya FM* @9am GMT...on 4 June, 2019 ...with *E K Bensah Jr*, Independent ECOWAS & AU Policy Analyst /AU Service provider

  1. The Ghana National Bureau has resolved to celebrate the "ECOWAS Brown Card Day'', an insurance scheme protocol signed on 29th May, 1982 in Cotonou.

The scheme was designed to aid free movement of persons and goods and services across national boundaries of ECOWAS member states.

3. This Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is originating its Regional Competition Authority, on the 31st of May 2019, in Banjul, The Gambia.

The ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA) is organised to perform the Regional Competition Rules affirmed by the ECOWAS Authority in 2008. The Rules are fundamental to develop, manage and support competition and enhance economic efficiency in production, trade and commerce at the regional level.

Being a specific agency with adjudicatory and investigative powers, ERCA also has a core charge of keeping under review commercial activities in the Community market with a view to ascertaining practices which may distort the efficient operations of the market conduct or which may adversely affect the economic interest of consumers.


Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | africainfocusshow.blogspot.com | www.instagram.com/africainfocusshow | +233.268.687.653 /+*

NEWS: DIDIGU named interim executive director for ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority

The ECOWAS Commission has announced the appointment of Mrs. Henrietta Uzoamaka Didigu, as the first Executive Director of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA).

According to a statement by the ECOWAS Commission on Monday in Abuja, the appointment, which is at the instance of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, is for an interim period of 12 months, allowing the appointee to undertake crucial establishment activities that would lead to the full operationalization of ERCA in the shortest possible time.

Prior to her appointment, Didigu, was the Technical Adviser on Institutional Reform to the President of the Commission.

She brings on board, over 28 years' experience in regional integration and chaired, during the period, numerous high level negotiation missions, meetings and projects for country and region.

Before joining the Commission in 2000, Didigu, who holds a Master's Degree in Law (LLM) from the prestigious Duke University of Law, North Carolina, U.S.A, having earlier graduated from Nigeria's elite Ivory Tower, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, worked with the Nigerian Ministry of Justice, where she rose to the position Assistant Director.

In a period spanning 19 years at the ministry, she was involved in international negotiations, including the process that led to the adoption of the model Competition Rules for the Commonwealth of Nations.

Previously, she held various strategic level positions in the Commission, including Acting Director of the Legal Affairs Department for four years during which she was involved in the conceptual stages of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Policy Framework as well as in the drafting of the legal documents for the establishment of the regional Competition Authority.

Didigu also served as Acting Director of the Humanitarian and Social Affairs Department. One of her notable missions for the Community was as the legal adviser to the 2003 Liberian Peace Talks under the leadership of the former Nigerian Head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar. The peace talks ended the country's civil war in 2003 and restored democratic governance to Liberia.

Based in Banjul, The Gambia, ERCA was established in 2008, subject to the approval of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS to implement the ECOWAS Regional Competition Rules in aid of regional economic growth, consumer welfare and social stability through the promotion of competition and efficiency amongst enterprises within the ECOWAS common market

Source: https://www.journalducameroun.com/en/didigu-named-interim-executive-director-for-ecowas-regional-competition-authority/

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Head of AIF Research & Comm’s Unit Visits Association of African Universities on “Agenda2063 Youth Engagement Series”

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Head of AIF Research & Comm's Unit Visits Association of African

Universities on "Agenda2063 Youth Engagement Series"

Although Agenda2063 remains a working African vision since  2013, African activists continue to reference the UN's SDG in their discussions at the expense of Agenda2063.

Failure to do so now will affect how young people appreciate the document as helping shape a better future for them, including the important role the AU has in the prosecution of this.

It is to this end that the Accra-based Association of African Universities, an agency of the AU, has resolved to change the script with the creation of "Agenda2063 Youth Engagement Series".

The series will involve educational tours of Agenda2063 around selected educational institutions all over Ghana. The format will be three-fold, and will include a training; a plenary showcasing Agenda2063's aspirations with a moderator; and a pitch to.explore which students possess the most interesting community-based projects for funding. Over time, this format will.be exported to all African countries.

Presentations have already commenced at the University of Education in Winneba, located in Ghana's Central region. In Accra, the University of Professional Studies has already been paid a visit.

With exam period coming up, it is prudent to wait till September before resuming the field visits. However, as the visit with AAU confirmed, the Series will most definitely be launched in July 2019.

Africa in Focus has expressed an interest in being a strategic media partner, alongside its sister ECOWAS Business News. The partnership will help facilitate greater synergy and engagement with other relevant AU sister organisations to help amplify the ideals behind the Series.

This is consistent with AIF's membership of the Agenda 2063 Media Network (facilitated by NEPAD-AU Development Agency) that is seeking to mobilise a constituency of media practitioners reporting actively about Agenda2063.


Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | africainfocusshow.blogspot.com | www.instagram.com/africainfocusshow | +233.268.687.653 /+*

Monday, May 6, 2019

AU Launches Call for Proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa

Demystify. Unpack. Explain


AU Launches Call for Proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Monica Maduekwe <MMaduekwe@ecreee.org>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2019, 11:39
Subject: AU Launches call for proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa
To: Forwgender <gender@ecreee.org>

Dear All,

The African Union (AU) has launched a call for proposals for Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa. The study will inform the development of a Harmonised Policy for Gender & Energy in Africa, as well as guide the AUC in designing a Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Energy.

Kindly find attached the bid document. More information can be gotten here: https://au.int/en/bids/20190423/terms-reference-consultancy-services-undertake-gender-mainstreaming-study-energy

Please circulate the information.

Chers tous,

L'Union africaine (UA) a lancé un appel à propositions pour que les services de consultants entreprennent une étude d'intégration de la problématique hommes-femmes dans le secteur de l'énergie en Afrique. L'étude éclairera l'élaboration d'une politique harmonisée pour le genre et l'énergie en Afrique, et guidera la CUA dans la conception d'un programme d'intégration de la dimension de genre dans l'énergie.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document de candidature. Plus d'informations peuvent être obtenues ici: https://au.int/en/bids/20190423/terms-reference-consultancy-services-undertake-gender-mainstreaming-study-energy

Veuillez faire circuler l'information.




Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | africainfocusshow.blogspot.com | www.instagram.com/africainfocusshow | +233.268.687.653

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

SAVE THE DATE #MaastrichtDebate -- 29 April -- Which Vision for Europe post-Juncker?

Although I am known to produce more column inches and debates around ECOWAS and the *African Union*, few will know that I am someone who grew up in Brussels and watched European integration politics play out. I recommend one keep an eye out for #MaastrichtDebate.

There are four candidates vying for the powerful *Presidency of the European Commission*. My number is for former Belgian premier *Guy Verhofstadt*, who has been keenly involved in Brexit negotiations; been an overt supporter of multilateralism using Europe's7 experience.

In 2001, at an International Conference on Globalisation, he actually called for *regional representation* at the UN Security Council, including a seat for the AU. He was one of the *first European politicians* to do so.

Interestingly, out of the four candidates to challenge the Commission presidency, only one is a Conservative, with the other three representing Liberal Democrats; Greens; Socialists.

These largely Left-leaning candidates arguably reflect the apparent strength of the Left in Europe -- something which seemed to be dying with the ultra-Conservatism that was spawned with Brexit and similar movements.

As per the newly-adopted #AUReforms, the AU has itself changed the way it elects a new Chairperson for the four-year term.

AU watchers may be keen to find out how this *April 29* debate can help inform the proposed town hall format proposed under #AUReforms in 2018.

Even as the AU needs to get more serious on the nomenclature of its departments for an effective prosecution of its continental agenda, a more Left-ish European Commission  president could arguably be useful and more flexible in its approach of AU-EU relations on matters such as the vexatious *migration*.

The jury is certainly out till after 29th April.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

ONLINE PRESS BRIEFING on #AfricanPeaceFacility & ECOWAS’ Right to Peace Meeting of 25 March, 2019 -- 21 March, 2019

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ONLINE PRESS BRIEFING on #AfricanPeaceFacility & ECOWAS' Right to Peace Meeting on 25 March, 2019

💥 *MEDIA INVITE*: Online press briefing (⚡ *FACEBOOK LIVE* ⚡) with E.K.Bensah Jr, Communications Consultant, *African Peace Facility*, European Commission.

💥The objective of the briefing is to *brief Ghanaian media* on significance of the "Right to Peace" ECOWAS meeting on *25 March*.

Mr.Bensah will brief media on highlights of the *ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF)*, and explain why this is an important meeting for the APF

Journalists will be able to ask and/or submit questions ahead of time, and live during the briefing.

🔥Join us *21 March*, 2019 at 12:00pm GMT on *FACEBOOK*🙏🏾

🔥Follow the conversation on *#AfricanPeaceFacility*




💥more details: https://www.africa-eu-partnership.org/en/our-events/right-peace-west-african-states


Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | ecowasbusinessnews.blogspot.com | +233.268.687.653 /+*