Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Accept greetings from the members of the Ghana Chapter of the West Africa Drug Policy Network.
We are pleased to share with you the attached statement for your perusal and endorsement. To endorse, kindly send your name, organization (if affiliated to an organization) and country to Maria-Goretti Ane. If you are endorsing in your personal capacity, please simply state ‘Independent’.
As a network, our goal is to ensure that drug policies are developed and implemented in a manner that promotes the rights, and dignity of drug users. This must therefore support them to be able to overcome the situation. We seek to ensure that laws enacted do not condemn victims of drug use.
Our foremost priority is to ensure that the draft bill by the Narcotics Commission is one that supports drug users rather than punish them. The current bill provides clauses that will rather enforce harsh sanctions on drug users. A situation we do not want to happen.
Network members have taken a thorough analysis of the bill and highlighted some critical areas that require immediate revision.
With your support, we want to push for these revisions to be made before the bill is passed into law.
We therefore call on you to read through the attached statement and endorse it on or before March 20, 2015 by 4pm GMT.
We kindly request that you should share this widely across your staff, colleagues, family members and friends to ensure that we have many signatories and more support in this process.
We look forward to your kind cooperation

Maria-Goretti Ane
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) , Africa Consultant.

**Visit the document here. Follow us on twitter here: www.twitter.com/wadrupone_gh

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