Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Friday, October 9, 2015

EVENT: Africa Week at the UN General Assembly (12-16 October, 2015)

Africa Week at the UN General Assembly


Africa Week at the UN General Assembly

Oct 12 2015 - Oct 16 2015, New York, United States

Monday, October 12

High-Level Event - Role of African Regional and Sub-regional Organizations in Achieving Regional Integration: The Continental Free Trade Area within the Context of the First 10-year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063
9:30 am - 1:00 pm | ECOSOC Chamber
Concept note [DOWNLOAD]

This high-level event, which will serve as the formal opening of the Africa Week activities, will focus on the importance of African regional and sub-regional organizations in achieving integration for Africa’s development. The event will focus on highlighting progress made towards regional integration, next steps, and the role of the international community in supporting Africa’s integration efforts. The event will particularly highlight the 10 June 2015 launch of the Tripartite Free Trade Area as the first step towards the achievement of the Continental Free Trade Area envisaged by Agenda 2063 and its First 10-Year Implementation Plan. In addition to featured speakers, the event will provide an opportunity for engaging with Permanent Representatives of Member States and other relevant stakeholders. The event will be structured in two parts, consisting of both an inaugural and a thematic session.

Media Roundtable with African Regional Economic Communities on “Silencing the Guns in Africa: the Nexus between Peace, Security, Governance and Development”

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the United Nations
This will feature the USG OSAA, the Chief Executives Officers or Senior Representatives of the RECs, the Adviser to the AUC Chairperson on the RECs and the AUOM. The event will be moderated by the Director of the AUC Directorate for Information and Communications.

Annual High-Level Briefing by African RECs on “Silencing the Guns in Africa: the Nexus between Peace, Security, Governance and Development”

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm | ECOSOC Chamber
Agenda [DOWNLOAD] 
Concept note [DOWNLOAD]
This annual briefing, which marks a new approach of engaging the RECs in the Africa Week, will focus on the African Union’s Silencing the Guns agenda – a theme that was agreed with the RECs in January 2015. The overall thrust of the briefing will be anchored on Agenda 2063’s First 10-Year Implementation Plan, as Silencing the Guns constitutes one of its flagship projects. The briefing will specifically focus on the role of the RECs as implementing agencies in addressing the four interrelated dimensions of the agenda, highlighting persistent challenges and the role of the international community in supporting the RECs in this regard. The meeting’s structure as a “briefing by the RECs” will be maintained, although the Chairs of the RECs as well as the delegations from the AUC, NEPAD and the APRM will also participate. As is the practice, the event will provide an opportunity for Member States and other relevant stakeholders to directly engage the RECs.

Tuesday, October 13

UN Interdepartmental Taskforce on African Affairs: Briefing on Agenda 2063 and its First 10-Year Implementation Plan and PAIDA
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm | ConferenceRoom 8
This briefing will aim to raise awareness of PAIDA and highlight the next steps in developing the PAIDA action plans as well as the role of UN system entities in this process. The briefing will also provide insights on the process of reconfiguring the RCM-Africa cluster system to enhance its effectiveness in delivering UN system support to Africa in the implementation of Agenda 2063. This briefing will be a closed meeting comprising mainly of IDTFA members and the key African implementing bodies of PAIDA - AUC, NEPAD, APRM and the RECs. In addition to featured speakers, the event will allow for interactive discussions and exchanges between members of the IDTFA and the delegations from ECA, AUC, APRM, NEPAD and the RECs.
 **This briefing will be a CLOSED meeting of UN System Principals and Representatives of the AUC, NEPAD, the APRM and the RECs**

Wednesday, October 14

High-Level Event - 15 Years of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Africa: Stocktaking & Perspectives
9:00 am - 11:00 am | ConferenceRoom 12
Concept note [DOWNLOAD] 
This high-level event is being organized in the context of the African Union 2015 “Year of Women's Empowerment and Development towards Africa's Agenda 2063” and the 15-year review of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. As the world gathers at the United Nations Headquarters to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325, the event provides an opportune moment for Africa to share her experiences in the implementation of this landmark resolution, including with respect to resulting AU instruments. It also creates an opportunity for reflection on ways to accelerate the implementation of resolution 1325 and its subsequent resolutions in the face of new and emerging threats to women, peace and security in Africa, such as terrorism and violent extremism, and climate change. In addition, it provides an opportunity to strategize on transformative actions to address women’s peace and security in a comprehensive and integrated manner in the context of implementation of the remaining years of the African Women’s Decade, Africa’s Agenda 2063 and the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The event will culminate in the launch of a booklet on Africa & UNSCR 1325. The event will feature participation of a wide range of stakeholders, including Member States, regional and multilateral organisations, civil society, and global and regional women’s organizations. 

Africa Week 2015: Press Briefing
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm | Press Briefing Room, Second Floor, Secretariat Building
This press briefing will feature the USG for OSAA; AU Commissioners; the CEO of the NEPAD Agency; the Chairperson of the APR Panel; and the Permanent Observer of the AU to the United Nations. The event will be moderated by the Director of the AUC Directorate for Information and Communications.

“African Continental Framework on Youth Development: Mainstream into Agenda 2063”
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm | Conference Room 6 (CB) 
Concept note [DOWNLOAD] 
This high-level event will focus on the forthcoming African Continental Framework on Youth Development, which aims to assist African Member States to define national employment policy schemes with operational action plans in line with the objectives of inclusive growth and the creation of decent and sustainable jobs. In this context, the event will also highlight progress and challenges in the implementation of the African Youth Charter (2006) as well as the important role of youth employment in accelerating achievement of the aspirations of Agenda 2063. The event will also address the role of global, regional, sub-regional and national actors in youth development on the continent, including the role of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency in forging partnerships between stakeholders and in mobilizing public and private sector support for youth development.

Thursday, October 15

Annual Briefing to UN Member States on Two Reports of the Secretary-General and Presentations by NEPAD and the APRM
10:00 am - 1:00 pm | ConferenceRoom 6
This annual briefing will be structured in two parts. The first will be a presentation of the UN Secretary-General’s reports: “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: thirteenth consolidated progress report on implementation and international support” and “Causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa.” This segment will also feature remarks by partners on the two reports: namely by the Executive Secretary for ECA and the Permanent Representative of Senegal to the United Nations (in his capacity as Chair of the African Group for the month of September). The second segment will feature thematic presentations on “The Key Role of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development in Implementing Agenda 2063” and “The Role of the African Peer Review Mechanism in Monitoring of Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. This annual briefing, based on OSAA’s mandated reports, is aimed at raising awareness of Member States and UN system entities on Africa’s emerging issues on peace, security and development and providing in-depth analysis and policy recommendations. Interactive Q&A discussions will follow each part.

NEPAD Lecture at Yale University- Implementing the African Union’s 50 Year Vision: NEPAD’s role in Agenda 2063
04:15 pm - 05:45 pm | Room 4400, Evans Hall, Yale School of Management, 165 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT
This lecture will be delivered by the CEO of NEPAD at the Yale University.

Friday, October 16

70th UN General Assembly Debate on the Development of Africa
General Assembly Hall
Development of Africa based on the Secretary-General’s Reports on: Progress in the Implementation of NEPAD; and the Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa

For more information on Africa Week, go to:
English: http://www.un.org/en/africa/osaa/events/2015/africaweek20151012.shtml
French: http://www.un.org/fr/africa/osaa/events/2015/africaweek20151012.shtml

Event Information

Event Location

New York, United States

source: http://www.nepad.org/conferences/africa-week-un-general-assembly

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