Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Monday, February 29, 2016

COMING UP!>>Episode #64 (Season 3; Ep.20): Afro-Democracy(3): #UgandaDecided; & Impact on Africa’s Peace & Security

Episode #64
(Season 3; Ep.20):  
Afro-Democracy(3): #UgandaDecided; & Impact on Africa’s Peace & Security

As we head down the end of Season 3 of the show, we want to use another edition to continue the conversation on “AfroDemocracy”.

In the first edition of the year, on 13 January, we concluded the show on the note that Ghanaians must take advantage of the already-enlarged civil society space to help deepen its democracy.

The second show in the series on AfroDemocracy, on 10 February, accentuated the role of citizens in the conversation on governance and democracy, by concluding that any conversation on governance in Africa needs to acknowledge the role of citizens as “movers and shakers of the demands of good governance and accountability.”

In the last show of the month and on this theme for Season 3, we want to review the Ugandan election and explore what its impact on continental peace and security – if any – is. The shutting down of social media networks on Election Day was unexpected: even if there were fears of another win by Museveni, he seemed to have ticked all the boxes: two Presidential debates, with him appearing in the second. The process up to Election Day offered a semblance of a process typical in any democracy. Then it suddenly changed with the arrest of key opponent Dr.Besigywe hours before the election for what appeared to be a minor offence.

What elements do we need to begin to put in place to avoid outcomes like Uganda’s or is it culture-specific? Maybe region-specific? Where must the conversation on AfroDemocracy, where African citizens rights and voices are respected, go in 2016?

Join us if you can at 2.05pm on 3 March, 2015.

Call us on the following numbers

Guiding questions
  • Was Museveni’s success a result of youth apathy to vote; or lack of strategy by opposition?
  • What lessons does his win offer for future elections on the continent?
  • Does his win reflect an unholy alliance within East Africa’s politicians?
  • Does East Africa have Shared Norms & Values on Governance?
  • What is impact of Museveni’s win on Africa’s conversation on peace & security?

Guest in the studio:
Ø  Mark Amaliya , Director of Research & Programmes, Mutatio Institute

more details will be available soon on www.africainfocusradioshow.org ; africainfocusshow.blogspot.com. Follow the conversations on #AfricainFocus on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/africainfocus14. Tweet Emmanuel ahead of time on www.twitter.com/ekbensah, using #africainfocus .
Call Radio XYZ93.1FM on 0289.000.931 / 0289.931.000.

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