Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

COMING UP!》Ep.88 (Season 5, ep.6) | AfroLiteracy”: Celebrating World Literacy Day

Synopsis | Africa in Focus Show | Ep.88 | "AfroLiteracy": Celebrating World Literacy Day

For the second time in the show's history, we join the global community to celebrate World Literacy Day.

As in 2015, we celebrate it with an African flair -- AfroLiteracy, which speaks to the extent to which we have become conscientized about our continent.

If book-reading remains the quintessence of being functionally-literate, then it's adequate we speak to someone who is neither no stranger to book-reading nor to the Show, where he has helped us better-appreciate the contribution of tourism to Ghana.

Our second guest is Rachel Emefa Markham, whom we met at the 2015 UN World Tourism Organization meet on #BrandAfrica.

She will be updating us on what she's been up to since 2015, and what plans she has to stage a comeback for her ever-popular #TheAfricaTheMediaNeverShowsYou.

**Guiding questions:**
*What is significance of book-reading to literacy?
*Are Ghanaians becoming more aware about tourism?
*Has social media helped (re)define literacy of the continent?

**Guests on the line/studio:**
•Kofi Akpabli, Communications Consultant & Tourism Author
•Rachel Emefa Markham, co-founder #TheAfricaTheMediaNeverShowsYou/Ambassador, UN World Tourism Organisation

more details will be available soon on www.africainfocusradioshow.org ; africainfocusshow.blogspot.com.

*Follow the conversations on #AfricainFocus on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/africainfocus14.

*Tweet Emmanuel ahead of time on www.twitter.com/ekbensah, using #africainfocus.

*Follow 24/7 on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radioxyzonline.pc


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