Episodes of "Africa in Focus"

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

COMING UP!>>Ep.91 | AfroDemocracy(7): SDG 16 & Understanding & Celebrating the First International Day for Universal Access to Information

Synopsis | Africa in Focus Show | Ep.91 | AfroDemocracy(7): SDG 16 & Understanding & Celebrating the First International Day for Universal Access to Information

2016 is the first year of UNESCO marking 28 September as the "International Day for Universal Access to Information" (IDUAI).  On 17 November 2015, UNESCO adopted a resolution (38 C/70) declaring 28 September of every year as International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI). 

UNESCO hopes that the marking of 28 September as the "International Day for Universal Access to Information" will provide for more countries adopting FOI legislation, developing policies for multilingualism and cultural diversity in the cyberspace, and ensuring that women and men with disabilities are integrated.

To that end, we want to use this edition of the Show to speak to Mina Mensah of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative to help demystify the advocacy on Freedom of Information. What is it? Why is it important? How come Nigeria is more advanced than Ghana on FOI legislation? These are some of the questions we will he asking in this edition of Africa in Focus.

The first interview, however, will be with Ebo Quansah of the Tourism Research and Advocacy Centre(TRAC) to help us understand what the tourism think-tank thinks about World Tourism Day (celebrated 28 September), and highlight some of its latest research on tourism in Ghana.

Guiding questions:
○Why is Freedom of Information important?
○How does FOI legislation in Nigeria compare with Ghana?
○What is linkage between SDG 16 and IDUAI?

Guests on the line/studio:
○Mina Mensah, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative @14h25
○Ebo Quansah, Tourism Research Advocacy Centre(TRAC), @14h12

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