Monday, May 6, 2019

AU Launches Call for Proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa

Demystify. Unpack. Explain


AU Launches Call for Proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Monica Maduekwe <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2019, 11:39
Subject: AU Launches call for proposals on Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa
To: Forwgender <>

Dear All,

The African Union (AU) has launched a call for proposals for Consultancy Services to undertake Gender Mainstreaming Study in the Energy Sector in Africa. The study will inform the development of a Harmonised Policy for Gender & Energy in Africa, as well as guide the AUC in designing a Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Energy.

Kindly find attached the bid document. More information can be gotten here:

Please circulate the information.

Chers tous,

L'Union africaine (UA) a lancé un appel à propositions pour que les services de consultants entreprennent une étude d'intégration de la problématique hommes-femmes dans le secteur de l'énergie en Afrique. L'étude éclairera l'élaboration d'une politique harmonisée pour le genre et l'énergie en Afrique, et guidera la CUA dans la conception d'un programme d'intégration de la dimension de genre dans l'énergie.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document de candidature. Plus d'informations peuvent être obtenues ici:

Veuillez faire circuler l'information.




Africa in Focus Show seeks to demystify, unpack, and explain developments within institutions of ECOWAS; the African Union; East Africa; & South-South cooperation.First airborne in 2014, and with 5 Seasons under its belt, the Show is known as a reference for quality analysis on Africa.

@ekbensah | | | +233.268.687.653

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