Earlier in May, Ghana's Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Regional
Integration declared the month of May "Regional Integration month". The
real question "Africa in Focus" show is asking Tuesday 3 June 2014
from 1:00pm to 3:00pm is,
‘How far is Africa integrating along the lines of intra-African trade; energy; telecommunications; and business ventures?
We shall be finding out whether Africa truly is integrating when there is now a closer relationship between Africa and China?
Guests include:
- An official of the UN Economic Commission for Africa(UNECA) from Addis Ababa (Joseph Attah-Mensah)
- Counter-terrorism Expert (Temitope Olodo)
- An academic from Ashesi University here in Accra (Dr.Lloyd Amoah)
- A former UNECA official who now works in his home country of Zimbabwe encouraging business for his countrymen. (Mkhululi Ncube)
- An official from the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) (Charles Kojo VanDyck)
Tune in at 13h00 GMT (1:00pm Ghana Time). We’re also streaming live www.radioxyzonline.com. Contact us Facebook on:
http://www.facebook.com/ africainfocusonradioxyz and radio XYZ 93.1FM. Tweet us @africainfocus14 and @ekbensah. Listen to us on #MultiTVChannel29. Thanks!

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